Männliche Kunst & Gewerbe

Web Protest / Exhibition
w/ Sina Gösele

»Männliche Kunst & Gewerbe« is a protest campaign that highlights and denounces the imbalance in the collection of the »Museum für Kunst & Gewerbe« in Hamburg. The project was developed in collaboration with Sina Gösele at HAW Hamburg and was awarded the Karl H. Ditze Prize in 2023. A collection of speculative websites and activist digital artefacts illuminate the dark corners of major art and design institutions. In the digital parallel world, the deaccession countdown unbureaucratically strips the collection of half its works, demands and questions are asked with Mike Meiré-style arrogance, while valuable works cannot be restored and are forgotten as »broken images« in an infinite scroll.

Visit: www.männlichekunstundgewerbe.de

All the sites are optimised for mobile devices. But the best user experience is on a laptop or PC.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript